Peacock Silks Conversion from DMC
for Teresa Wentzler Design Peacock Tapestry

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Tien has developed the following conversion list for the Teresa Wentzler Design Peacock Tapestry and has asked me to archive it on my website to share it with other stitchers who may have an interest in stitching this design with the silks. (I have edited the list simply for clarity on the webpage and added in some places the text name for a symbol in case the symbol shows up different on different browsers)

In Tien's own words:

Okay, here are the results of the latest (and hopefully last) trip to the LNS. In this trip, I not only matched each individual color, but actually sat down and matched each blend as well--having discovered that two good individual matches can make a horrible blend! (It's okay if one color is a bit too grey/blue/yellow/whatever, but if both are off in the same direction the blend looks really wrong!). So, here they are...I have listed them as best I could considering that the symbols do not display--if you are having trouble ID'ing them then check the DMC colors. Note that in a few places I am using *two* silk colors for a single DMC, depending on which blend it's in.

Tien has requested that all questions regarding this conversion list be directed to her through the Teresa Wentzler Bulletin Board at under the Peacock Tapestry forum so that she doesn't have to post her email address here (which will assist her in cutting down on unsolicited emails).

N=Needlepoint Silk SC=Soie Crystale (Caron Collection)
SDA=Soie d'Alger M=Madeira silk


Symbol DMC Silk
Theta 797/792 N822/SDA 4916
K 796/791 N823/SDA 4916
R 797/552 N822/N454
W 796/550 N823/N456
Musical flat (b) 799/794/085BF SC7044/N813
Backwards L with dot 798/793 N821/N615 (N614?)
x 3045 N763
Solid NE-SW down arrow 839/3790/3787 DMC 839/N975/N953
Box with x in it 3031 N915
Division sign 842/452 SDA 4521/SDA3432
Two dots in horizontal line 543/452 N704/SDA3432
// (double forward slash) 3787 N975
> (greater than) 841 SC1136
Open SW-NE up arrow 793/502 N614/N663
T 794/503/085BF N813/N662/085BF
9 792/501 N894/N645
Circle with "x" in center 791/500 N895/N834
Solid heart 632/434 SDA4614/SDA3825
a 3772/435 N204? N205?/N765
< (less than) 407/436 N204/N985
script e 407/642 N205/N985
solid five-pointed star 3760/562 M1107/SDA1824
Backwards "c" (as in pears) 3045/3042 N763/SDA3322
Hollow up-pointing triangle 3772/640 N205/N982
Solid SW-NE arrow 632/3790 SDA4614/N953
Asterisk 640 N982
Solid up-pointing triangle 791/550 SDA 4916/N456
S 500/936 SDA1486/SDA2136
A 611/3045 N952/N763
N 3045/420 N763/SDA3824
Dot . 422 SDA3812
^ (caret) with a dot underneath 3052/3042/085BF N543/N763/085BF
L 3363/420 N544/N765
= (equals) 3362/611 N547/N952
U 503/3052 N662/SC5004? DMC3052?
r 502/3363 N663/N544
Vertical theta (circle with vertical line) 501/3362 N645/N547
Backwards "b" (sort of) (sorry, don't have the original color!) N953


Silk Floss List
Needlepoint Silk
204 544 663 813 915
205 547 675 822 952
454 614 704 823 953
456 615 763 894 982
543 662 812 895 985
Soie d'Alger
461 1846 3432 3835
1480 2136 3812 4521
1824 3322 3824 4916
Soie Crystale
1107 1136 5004 7044
Maderia Silk
